Upcoming events
Check out our google calendar to see our most upcoming events! All our welcome to join even if you haven't attended an event prior, our organization is open to undergraduate students and graduate students! We offer several different types of events including Professional, Social, and Service. Scroll down to find our more!
Career Fair Wrokshop
IISE North Central Region Conference
Annually students get the opportunity to attend conference and network with diverse students from across more than 10 campuses.
Through a series of workshops and seminars, attendees will explore the vast possibilities within industrial engineering and beyond.
It's also a fantastic opportunity to network with professionals and peers across the region, allowing participants to build valuable connections with faculty members and industry leaders, both local and national.
These experts will share key industry trends and essential skills, covering topics such as consulting, healthcare, patent law, graduate school, supply chain, technology, and more!
Master the use of Six Sigma to quantify the critical quality issues in your company. Once the issues have been quantified, statistics can be applied to provide probabilities of success and failure. Six Sigma methods increase productivity and enhance quality. As a Six Sigma green belt, you will be equipped to support and champion Six Sigma implementation in your organization. On the final afternoon of the class, you will have the option to take IISE’s green belt exam. The exam is included in the course fee. Participants who pass the exam receive IISE’s Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate.
This three-day course provides an in-depth understanding of lean enterprise principles and how to apply them within your organization. Your lean journey begins with a series of interactive simulations that demonstrate how each lean concept is applied and its impact on the process. Mapping the process flow and identifying the activities that add value from the customer’s perspective is the cornerstone of this class. The class is then given a scenario and the students simulate the conversion from traditional to lean in a practical hands-on environment. The course also provides a structure for how to manage a lean process for continuous improvement. Participants will learn how to structure their organizations to support and continuously improve a lean process. Participants will also fully understand how to implement 5S within their plants and how to begin reducing setup time using the SMED process.
ISE UIUC Chapter proudly offers Six Sigma and Lean Green Belt Training and Certification typically in the Fall and Spring semesters, respectively. Both of these certifications are applicable to the industry and establish your credibility as a professional. Our Chapter brings in a trainer from National IISE to ensure that our students are mastering the green belt level.
In the past, UIUC has traditionally been able to offer partial scholarships for a limited number of National IISE members and members of the IISE UIUC Chapter. However, we open these courses up to all UIUC students, staff, and faculty to participate. We will announce signups for these at general meetings and via our Facebook Group. For more information, email Karissa krp7@illinois.edu.
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification course will be taking place this Fall in an online format. The start date will be Friday, November 12th and you will have 6 months to complete the course.